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Lose Yourself in a Book

The Confession

The Confession
My latest book, now available!
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My Story

I live in Central Kentucky in the heart of horse country with my faithful dog, Benny. I came to a writing career later in life after retiring from health care. I finally had the time to pursue my lifelong dream of being an author, so I sat down with my computer and started writing. The first book, SEARCH FOR MURDER, started to take shape. It required several changes and much editing, but I finally finished it. The next step, publishing, was terrifying.  Would others like what I had written - or toss it aside as not worth their time? But, with the encouragement of close friends, I sent it to Amazon's Create Space, now KDP Amazon.  Seven books later, I can honestly say I enjoy storytelling as much as anything I have ever done and my readers always ask me when the next book will be out.

My two children's books were written for my grandchildren, but I have received pictures from young readers in three states! Robbie, the central character, is a lovable bear cub who learns a few of life's lessons as he grows up in the Great Forest.

 Whether I am writing a mystery or a new adventure for Robbie, I love to explore human connections in my books and always include a twist or two to keep my readers interested.  Thank you for your positive feedback and loyalty.


Search For Murder


Thirst For Murder

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A Fiery Murder

A Trail of Destruction

The Confession

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Robbie Learns To Read

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Robbie Makes A Friend

My Books

The Confession


Don't miss this one!

Enjoyed reading! Loved the KY flavor. Kept me interested in turning the pages as my mind kept guessing the possible outcomes.  (Peggy)


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